Hawk Story

With my mobile phone in my Go-bag crossbody bag and my wired headphones, I head out at twilight for my runs as I have found that at the close of the day and the beginning of the night is where the animals come out or are in the process of retiring so there is more movement than usual.
Running has been and still is my regulator. I’ve done it most late afternoons since 1998, wherever I am in the world. It resets my emotions, grounds me into my body and into nature. It brings me back to my truer self.
Through the neurohormonal alchemy of running, I am able to more fully ride my emotional waves, clarifying my thought processes, freeing my mind and lifting me into a moving meditation- a state of heightened connection.
Running, I inhale the tannic sweetness of the dense oak and pine forest surrounding my home. The path I run here is ancient, carved long ago by the Wampanoag, later cut more deeply into the rocky wooded hills by tea rebels and King’s men.
One recent drizzly afternoon, seeing a clump of moss lying torn on the path, I paused to replant it back into its bed. Standing, I found myself in the shadow of a great bird, which swept close, to light on a branch no more than fifteen feet away from me.
He was a mature red tailed hawk, splendid in his plumage, and humbling in his vigor, focus and power. I went motionless. My eyes connected with his, and I was filled with awe.
I spoke to him. I told him how joyful I was to be graced by his attention. I said that I was humbled by him.
He sat on the limb, turning his head slowly, from side to side, giving me the one eye, his gaze boring deeply into me for over a minute.
As I spoke to him, he spoke to me with his glittering eyes. He shared with me the gifts of his essence- his acute focus, his dazzling vitality, and his simultaneous attention to both vast vista and minute detail.
In my body and in my spirit, I was gifted.
I felt transported and transformed, as he opened his great wings to fly slowly before me, low along my path, as if to spur me on.
Returning home in the growing twilight, vibrating with wonder at the magic of such a connection, I reflected upon what so rare and archetypal an experience might mean. What are the qualities imparted by such a profound meeting with one of the earth’s evolutionary monarchs, and how might I absorb this knowledge into my life?
The lessons of that afternoon continue to unfold. I have chosen to strive toward greater focus and clarity, to hold macrocosm and microcosm simultaneously, to continue learning when to be patient and observant, when to dive, and when to soar.
I choose to soar sometimes, simply for its own sake. And I choose to deconstruct the adaptive wall that removes me from nature, from ever growing, and more confident, communication- with other species, with plants, with the soul of the earth, herself.
In the twenty-six years since I began running, many people have asked me whether I am running away from something.
I laugh, because I know that I am always running into the future.
The Intricate Dance of Distance and Trust: How New England's Hawk Families Adapt to Human Proximity in Their Hunting Territories
In New England, eight species of hawks, including the Broad-winged and Red-tailed, coexist. These raptors inhabit diverse ecosystems, with their populations reflecting the adaptability of these birds to the region's varying landscapes.
Hawks navigate shared spaces with humans, delicately upholding their domains. Through repeated, positive encounters, these raptors may develop a recognition of human presence, affecting the extent of their territorial interactions.
Amidst human activity, hawks reveal remarkable adaptability, claiming urban structures for nesting and pivoting to prey on city-dwelling birds. Their coexistence with other urban wildlife showcases their flexible approach to maintaining territory.
Preserving hawk populations within human-dominated regions presents unique difficulties. Conservation efforts must navigate the complex interplay between human expansion and the needs of these predatory birds to ensure their survival and ecological role.
Looking ahead, the trajectory of human-hawk dynamics in New England hinges on raising public consciousness and enforcing protective measures. With habitat preservation, education on ecological significance, and legal enforcement, a harmonious coexistence could flourish.
Discover how these majestic Hawk families maneuver through the challenges of closeness and trust in our ever-growing human territories. For more insights and to join us in our journey of understanding and conservation, visit Nixray.com. Together, let's embrace the delicate balance of nature and civilization.
- "Hawks of New England: Species and Conservation." New England Birding Society.
- "Adapting to Urban Environments: The Behavioural Flexibility of Raptors." Journal of Avian Biology.
- "Human-Wildlife Interactions: Coexisting with Raptors in Urban Settings." Urban Ecology Research Papers.
- "Challenges in Raptor Conservation: A New England Perspective." Conservation Science and Practice.
- "Birds of Prey and the Urban Landscape: The Future of Raptors in New England." HawkWatch International.
- "The Role of Education in Raptor Conservation Efforts." World Wildlife Fund Report on Birds of Prey.
- "Legal Protections for Birds of Prey: An Overview." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.